Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Firenze Special

You will need:

- 2 Turkey/Chicken Sausage links with the casings pulled off
- Premade tube of Polenta
- Half a Bell Pepper (Yellow or Red) sliced
- Half an onion sliced
- 2 minced Cloves of Garlic
- Olive Oil
- Canola Oil
- Baslamic Vinegar
- Salt/Pepper

- Coat a frying pan with a bit of Olive Oil and turn up to med/high heat. 
- Throw in Sausage, Bell Pepper, Onion and Garlic. Add Balsamic Vinegar to taste, cover and cook thuroughly until there's no more pink in the meat.
- Meanwhile slice the Polenta into half inch patties and season both sides with salt and pepper.
- Coat another pan with Canola oil (about 2 teaspoons) and fry the polenta on both sides for about 4 minutes.
- When the Sausage mix is done top the polenta with it and serve.